Saturday, July 17, 2021

Where Does the Time Go?

Something prompted me to visit this blog today - I'll admit that I found it hard to believe my last post was in 2109.  Where does the time go?  That's a question I've been asking myself a lot lately.

I found some irony resting simply in the name of this blog - seems my journeys lately have all been to various doctor's office and such - not strolling down a quiet path or completing an exhausting climb that resulted in a spectacular view that left me breathless.  I guess that this thing called Life is just that way sometimes - there's a season for everything - the trick is waiting patiently for whatever comes next.  Some we'll understand.  Most of it, we won't.  One thing I know for certain, though, is that I'll never lose sight of what brings me a special kind of peace - wandering along the Appalachian Trail.

I can't say with any degree of certainty just when I'll set foot on the AT again - we had a short section hike planned but opted to wait a bit longer to hit the trail.  Sometimes it's just the right thing to do - what you need to do at the time.  That being said, it may have been longer than I thought since I walked amongst those white blazes, but the trail never really leaves you - I carry all those memories with me in my heart - and they still make me smile.  So, while I cannot answer the question posed above, what I can say is that it's not over yet - there are many more adventures to be had - and I'm looking forward to them, no matter how far into the future they may be.

If you're like me, it can get a little discouraging at times when Life doesn't seem to cooperate - but don't give up on it - when the time is right, it'll happen - and when it does, it's going to be epic!!!

Happy hiking, my friends -