Sunday, February 13, 2011


There are many faces of a mountain.  Some are tree-lined and keep their secrets hidden beneath their dense canopies.

 Some are barren and harsh, as if almost daring life to find it's place amongst their jagged peaks...

Some are a combination of the two, seeming to cover miles and miles before dropping off the horizon.

Some are lush and overflowing with an abundance of life, just waiting to be discovered.

Then there are those that burst forth with life and color for only a brief moment in time.

There are those mountains that help us transition from one season to another by putting on a colorful show that only Mother Nature could present...

Yes, there are many faces of a mountain....none more beautiful than the other....all beckoning us to discover what lies within....
               "The mountains are calling and I must go."
                                                                            ~John Muir